Aquascript is a leading company in the development of measurement and control technologies, industrial assembly, and robotics, ensuring precision and efficiency in various applications. Aquascript is a company specializing in creating innovative, customized systems and solutions, focusing on electronic systems, software development, and water feature displays.

Their expertise covers designing and implementing complex technical systems for both temporary events and permanent installations. Their work is renowned for their innovative design and planning of visually stunning water features and display systems, blending technical sophistication with creative artistry for both public and private spaces.

Their expertise primarily lies in the following areas:

Custom Systems and Stand-Alone Solutions

Aquascript specializes in creating customized solutions for clients, addressing unique challenges through complex integrated systems or stand-alone products.

Electronic Systems and Software Development:

The company excels in the creation of custom electronic systems and software, ensuring their efficiency, reliability, and customization to client specifications, showcasing their strong capabilities in this field.

Temporary and Permanent Installations

Aquascript manages the installation of systems for short-term events and long-term use, ranging from temporary displays to permanent industrial systems.

Industrial Assembly

They offer industrial assembly services, ensuring seamless integration of components and systems in manufacturing or industrial settings.

Measurement and Control Technologies

Aquascript is a leading provider of precision and control technologies for industries, focusing on measuring and controlling processes for efficiency and safety.


The company focuses on the creation and implementation of robotic systems, ranging from basic automation tools to advanced robots capable of performing complex tasks in various industrial settings.

Water Feature & Display Systems

Aquascript specializes in designing and planning water feature and display systems, which are visually striking installations found in public spaces, events, and private venues, combining technical innovation with artistic design for captivating displays.




For Aquascript’s website, which was developed in WordPress, 24×7 Internet Technologies likely provided the following functionalities:

Custom Design and Theme Development

  •   We have created a custom WordPress theme that reflects Aquascript’s brand identity, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly website design.

Content Management System (CMS) Integration:

  •   Aquascript has incorporated a robust CMS for efficient content management and updating, including information on their services, projects, and technology expertise.

Responsive Design

  •   The website would have been optimized for multiple devices, ensuring a seamless user experience on desktops, tablets, and mobiles.

Advanced Features for Showcasing Services

  •  Aquascript’s expertise is showcased through sections for Custom Systems, Electronic Systems, Software Development, Robotics, and Water Feature Displays, with custom post types, galleries, or sliders to highlight their projects and capabilities.

SEO Optimization

  •   The website was likely optimized for search engines to enhance visibility and ranking, ensuring Aquascript’s services are easily accessible to potential clients.

Performance Optimization

  •   The focus is on enhancing the website’s performance, focusing on fast loading times and smooth navigation, which are crucial for user experience and SEO.

Security Features:

  •   The website’s security was prioritized through SSL integration, regular updates, and security plugins to protect against potential threats.

Custom Plugins and Integrations

  •   We create custom plugins or integrate third-party tools to meet the specific functionalities required by Aquascript in standard WordPress.

Multi-language Support:

  •  The website is equipped with multi-language support to cater to a diverse audience.

Contact and Lead Generation Forms

  •   The website is expected to incorporate personalized contact forms, lead generation forms, and other interactive features to enhance communication between Aquascript and potential clients.